
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Blogger Currently Online Widget

Blogger Currently Online Widget

This Tutorial is based on a service provided by

In this tutorial I will share with you an easy way of putting a widget on your Blogs Homepage to show you and your current viewers, how many visits you currently have online.

You can either visit website or copy the code directly from here and follow the steps.

Step 1:
Highlight the code below and then copy it by pressing Ctrl+C.

<script id="_waudye">var _wau = _wau || []; _wau.push(["classic", "5zolcb8qdwna", "dye"]); (function() {var s=document.createElement("script"); s.async=true; s.src=""; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(s); })();</script>

Step 2:
Go to your Blogger account >Layout

Step 3:
Add a gadget where you would prefer your online viewer widget to be.

Blogger Add A Gadget Image

Step 4:
Scroll down to Html/JavaScript and press the plus sign to add the widget

Html/JavaScript Add-On Image

Step 5:
Now just type in your preferred Title for your widget or leave it blank, then paste the code in the content box by pressing Ctrl+V.

Step 6:
Save and close the widget and youre done, you can now preview your blog.

Your Widget will look like this Image

If you would like some different style widgets you can always visit the website.

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