
Monday, June 1, 2015

How to speed up a Windows pc by deleting your temp files

How to speed up a Windows pc by deleting your temp files | Livoxt

NB: The following trick works on all Windows Operating Systems!!!
 Im going to share a fast and easy way to you all about a trick that I have known a long time ago,
and have implemented on a lot of computers so far.

Speed up your Pc by cleaning your Temp Files,
Do This Daily or Weekly!!! As soon as your pc slows down.

Step 1:
Go to your Windows Icon in the top left corner of your pc or press the icon on your keyboard.

How to speed up a Windows pc by deleting your temp files | Livoxt
Image for Step 1
Step 2:
In your search bar type the following without the brackets ( %temp% ) or just copy from the blockquote below and paste it into your search bar by pressing Ctrl+V.


Step 3:
After pasting ( %temp% ) it should look like the image shown below.

How to speed up a Windows pc by deleting your temp files | Livoxt
Image for Step3

Step 4:
If your screen looks like the image above, press enter.

Step 5:
You will be taken directly to your temp folder which will look similar to the image below.

How to speed up a Windows pc by deleting your temp files | Livoxt
Image for Step 5

Step 6:
Now do the following:
  • Highlight it all
  • Right click and delete everything.
Do not worry about deleting these files, nothing will happen to any of your documents, data, music, pictures, settings or anything else.

How to speed up a Windows pc by deleting your temp files | Livoxt
Image for Step6

Step 7:
If you get a message that looks like the one below or similar, just check the (do this for all current items) button and try again or skip. You can try this again after restartin your computer, but its not really necessary.

How to speed up a Windows pc by deleting your temp files | Livoxt
Image for Step 7

Step 8:
After doing that, go to your Recycle Bin and empty it.

Step 9:
Restart your pc and your done!!!

If you have any other tips or questions, feel free to comment below and I will try my best to reply as soon as possible.

Livoxt Owner,

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